Your life can feel like climbing a mountain. Find the potential YOU have to reach the summit.

Discover your potential today. Let me show you how!


Gloria Lockhart is a life coach and inspirational speaker who can help you finally break out of your box and go after the life you've always wanted.

By believing in yourself and following certain techniques of positive thinking, you can boost your self-esteem and improve both your personal and professional relationships.

Life is a journey and not a destination, and equipping yourself with the proper tools will allow you to move forward and make your dreams come true.

Gloria is dedicated to helping people set and reach their most cherished goals. In many cases, men and women may simply need to develop a new mindset in life. As an author, she is especially interested in assisting people who have been bullied, abused, molested, carrying baggage of unforgiveness, or have experienced other painful issues in life. These issues can have a profound impact on a person's psyche, but they do not have to be permanent.

With one-on-one coaching from someone who has a wide rage of life experiences, you can leave all of this behind and open up new doors for yourself.

Opportunities abound for people who will work for them, and Gloria helps her customers see that they really do deserve happiness in life. Whether you are looking for a fulfilling romantic relationship or a volunteer position making the world a better place, you can find it within yourself to chase after your dreams. Gloria gives you the framework needed to build a better existence. She stresses better communication skills with family and friends, which are vital to turning over a new leaf in life.

Discover your personal and professional potential


Inspirational Speaker

Gloria gives much needed advice for all to hear and get their lives in motion.



She has written 2 books; both of which you can buy today!



Through Gloria's blog, she tells of all things that has happned in her life and what she learned from them as well as events that may come up near your area.

Check out Her Blog

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